Steps to Stay Focused in 2022

Nov 23, 2021

"Your life is controlled by what you focus on. "

---Tony Robbins

This last year turned out way better than I thought. December is the month that I go through my journal and planner and look at what I have learned. AND what lessons I may have missed. I love this time of year. 

I do have one question. Why is it sometimes so hard to keep my goals and vision in front of me? I write them, spend time visualizing...for about 3 weeks...and then they are enveloped in the fog of daily activity. Most highly successful people share one important trait: focus. They know what their purpose is and what they want to achieve, and everything they do and say aims to bring them closer to their goals. But maintaining that intense level of dedication and drive takes effort.

I continued to think about the above question. Reflecting back, I found out what works for me to keep me focused on my vision and goals.

I believe this can work for you, too. 

First, what do you want? Who do you want to become? If you woke up on any given Tuesday and you were living the life you loved, what would it look like?  Daydream, like you did when you were a kid. If you could be, do or have anything--what would that look like. Then write it down. 

Second, why do you want it?   When striving toward any goal or vision, it’s important to find ways to remind yourself why that goal is so important to you so you can stay focused. When you feel distracted or overwhelmed, remind yourself why you want this vision so badly.   

Next--what would it feel like? If you were living the life you desired, would you feel accomplished, successful, fulfilled, ten feet tall and bulletproof? Add some emotion to it. I picture myself on the beach, wearing something white and flowy, the wind blowing through my hair and clothes. The sun is warm and I am drenched in unspeakable joy. My hands are up and the feeling is "I did it!" Okay, that's part of my vision with the emotion, but you get the idea.

My friend and mentor, Paul Martinelli, calls it remembering your future. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Whatever you have written down, think about it as if you already have achieved it. I don’t know what your dream is, but if it’s a financial goal…what will you have if you already have achieved it?  What will your closet look like? What about your debt? Will that be gone?  How much more will you be able to give to charities of your choice? 

Take some time, write it down and focus on it. Why do you want that vision? Really think about it. Go to that place daily. Speak, see and feel the words of your vision until to get really familiar with them. Your new life and the new you that you need to become to get that life can be created this way.

Let me know how that works for you or if you have another idea, please share! 

Looking forward to 2022,


Jan McDonald 
The John Maxwell Team 

Follow me on facebook @janmariemcdonald

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