Benefits of Journaling

Mar 31, 2022

"Journaling is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time. " 

― Mina Murray

When I first sobered up, everything made me mad. That was my "go-to" emotion and I wasn't aware of any other feelings. One time, I was ranting to my sponsor, Sharon, about something that p%*sed me off and she interrupted my tirade, "Jan, I don't think this emotion is anger. I think it is some other feeling."

What?  Do you live in my head so you can know my feelings? Of course, I didn't say that out loud, but even her answer made me mad. Her suggestion to me for the next time that I felt anger was to get a pencil and paper and write about it.  Just punctuation, no grammar, just write. She said that something happens between the brain and the pen. (This is true, but the scientific explanation is too long for this email.) I would probably become aware of emotions that I didn't know that I had.

I snidely answered,  "That sounds like a great idea, but I don't have time for that." Her answer? "If you want me to remain your sponsor, you'll find time."  I didn't think I could find another sponsor; nobody would have me.

She was absolutely right. I found emotions that I didn't know existed. When I didn't understand something or someone, writing helped me unlock the mystery.  It was so beneficial that I still do it today. 

Journaling benefits:

1. I can look back and be reminded about my accomplishments and successes, which my Committee (my head voices) conveniently likes to forget. I put my prayer requests in my journal, as well. You wouldn't believe the amount of stars (those signify answered prayers) are in my journal. 

2. Journaling gives me reasons to be grateful and helps me stay committed to becoming a better me.

3. Oh yeah, I can also look back and learn lessons that I might have missed, or chose to ignore. (Smiley face here.)

How to Get Started? 

>Buy a dollar store notebook and pen.

>Just observe yourself for a couple of days. What are your feelings? Are there any emotions that regularly occur? Jot them down. What are they and what triggers them?

>Be sure to jot down the fabulous things that are happening in your life, no matter how small.

>Write your prayer requests--this is my personal favorite. Often I forget what I've asked for, but if they are written, I can watch for how God showed up to answer.

>When a challenge arises, sit down with your pen and notebook and just write. No grammar, no punctuation, no perfection...just write. Write until you can't write anymore. If you are not in a position to write, rant and record on your phone. Have Siri take a long note.

You will be surprised what solutions you come up with and what emotions you uncover. You'll be excited about all the great things you have accomplished.  You will joyfully remember what you asked God for and how He answered.  You'll be grateful that you had that rant with Siri or your notebook and not that person with whom you wanted to argue. 

If you have any questions, please ask.  I believe journaling has kept me sober, but more than that, it is the reason behind my confidence in undertaking risk and opportunity.  I KNOW it will be beneficial to you, as well.

Still writing,


Jan McDonald
Maxwell Leadership Certified Team

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