Border Bullies Keep You In Your Comfort Zone

comfort zone failure growth perception personal growth Aug 17, 2020

"Whenever you set out to journey the Road Less Traveled--there will always be Border Bullies."

--Bruce Wilkinson

In my Chosen workshop, I teach about those scary Border Bullies. In Bruce Wilkinson's book, "The Dream Giver", he urges us to let go of the familiar, the "nay-sayers", and even our own limiting beliefs, to enter the land of our full potential. The Border Bullies stand at the edge of our comfort zone and try to keep us in there. We often perceive that those Bullies come at us with fangs and claws and have the ability to inflict real damage. 

Stepping outside of our comfort zone is uncomfortable most of the time. This is because our subconscious mind is very loyal and committed to keeping our lives easy. That is why when we attempt something new it may make us anxious, or even nauseous.  It is out of the routine that the subconscious has practiced for us already.

I remember the first time I tried to ride a bike. I didn't  have the balance or the skill. Very timidly, I hopped on and off. I was too scared to even go a little fast.

I can remember fearfully telling my brother,  "No, don't push me too fast!! What if I fall?" 

My brother got tired of my whining, told me I would never be able to learn to ride, and left me in the driveway all by myself.

I don't remember how many tries it took me to teach myself. But I do remember the fear (the Border Bullies) of falling and scraping my hands and knees. I felt the doubt created by my brother's words.  As I watched the older kids riding their bikes down the street, with the wind blowing through their hair, my desire for that same result overpowered my skinned hands and knees. Wonder of wonders, I found out if I started out faster, it was easier!! I kept trying and my persistence and speed won out!  I did it! 

Now, of course, I can ride a bike anytime I want without fear.  My subconscious has stored bike-riding ability somewhere in the files of my mind.

What do Border Bullies have to do with personal/professional growth? Our thinking needs to change to experience growth to reach our full potential.  I'm sure we all are a bit afraid to fail. Heaven forbid, that we should look stupid. What if I can't succeed at whatever it is I desire? What are some of the Bullies that may be holding you back? AND how can we defeat them?

This picture is of a Hornet Jet breaking the sound barrier.  For many years,  flight experts knew that cannons and missiles could go faster than the speed of sound. But could man in a jet pass through that invisible barrier?  Every time a pilot got close to the speed of sound, the plane would vibrate and shake and feel like it was going to break apart.  The pilot would dump the fuel, let off the gas and abort the attempt.

Chuck Yeager had a different idea in 1947. He jumped in the jet and as he got close to that Mach speed that he needed, the jet began to viciously rattle and shake.  He looked through the windows and watched the wings chatter. AND HE SHOVED THE THROTTLE FORWARD!!! This acceleration blasted him through the sound barrier!   Check out the link below.

Put the pedal to the metal and keep moving forward. Border Bullies are unable to withstand persistence or speed. Watch for them, though, they'll come back if you stop growing.

Accelerating with gusto!

Jan McDonald
John Maxwell Team

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