Do You Know Your Core Values?

choices purpose standards values vision Nov 02, 2020

"Embarking on a vision without values is like driving a windy road without guard rails."

--John Maxwell


I often help companies and organizations flesh out their values because it sets standards and expectations by which employees work. When team members know specifically how they are to show up at work, this helps with engagement and productivity. 

When coaching people and chatting with individuals, I have discovered that most have not taken the time to discover their  core values.  

Values describe how we want to behave in an ongoing basis. They reflect what we want to stand for in our lives. Values provide a foundation for our relationships. They are principles or standards by which people live.  We often compare them to a compass because they give us a direction and guide our life’s journey.  They help us create the future that we want to experience. 

When the way we think, speak and behave match our values, life feels very good – we feel whole, content, in our power. Life feels full of meaning and purpose. But when these don’t align with our personal values, then things feel… wrong. Life feels uneasy. We feel out of touch, discontented, restless, unhappy.

Here's how values work. If one of your values is honesty and you are in a relationship where that is not valued, there's no trust in that relationship. How will you feel about that relationship?  How long will that relationship last without trust?  On the other hand, if there is honesty in that relationship, you feel good about that aspect of the relationship.

How can we discover our values?  Here is a way:

For one week, take a few moments each day to write down 3 things: 
•    That made you feel good
•    That made you feel bad
•    That made you feel useful
•    Others did that you admired
•    Others did that you disliked

Looking at your answers, notice the themes that come up. What do you want to do/experience more of? Less of? Upon reflection, what specific qualities, beliefs, and standards for behavior are at the root of these themes and desires?  Then write these answers down. 

I know, this takes reflection and time and if you need some help, I can be available for that.  But can you imagine how it will feel when you have definite values that define your behavior and actions. They will be your true north.  AND if you and your significant other do this together, and you have shared values, how will that make your relationship feel?  AND if you don’t have a significant other yet, the more reason to discover your values and write them down. It will give you a standard to which you can hold your incoming relationships.

Take some time and discover your values, as they are the foundation for your life purpose, and they remind you--and others--who you truly are. 

Make it a great week, 


Jan McDonald
John Maxwell Team