Enjoy Guilt Free Status

Feb 07, 2022

"So now the case is closed."There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life union with Jesus..."

—Romans 8:1

Technology can bring out the worst in me. On Friday morning, I had a couple of challenges that highjacked my positive attitude. The Head Trash began. "This shouldn't be this hard, you're just old." "These instructions are so simple, you aren't smart enough." "You're not good enough."

I shouldn't have been surprised, as I am often tested in the areas in which I teach. I just taught on self-talk the night before in my Powerful Self Image webinar. I didn't remember that because my body was in fight mode and I wasn't thinking clearly. 

After a half day of bad attitude and snarky comments in my head, Truffle and I dropped everything and headed out to do yard work in the sun with a bag of Skittles (a feel good drug of choice:) 

As I clipped back the dead lavender and threw the clippings in the garbage can, I realized that was what I needed to do with my Head Trash. Clip it off and throw it in the garbage. It occurred to me then that I had just taught that concept the night before. The light in my head went on and I sat there in the sun with Truffle and started to laugh. I opened the Skittles and poured them in the trash, too. 

That Head Trash circling in my head is not true about me. That is not who I am. (NO, 69 is not old. It's the new 49.) I am smart, I am good enough. In fact, I am complete in Jesus, not lacking anything. God sees me as perfect (Ephesians 1:4,5) and I need to agree with His vision. WOW! That changes everything. 

I don't need Skittles, or anything else to make me feel better. I have emotions; I don't let them have me. (okay, not very often.) I get to choose my thoughts and attitude. I'm grateful that those times where I let those nasty voices in my head get the better of me are fewer and farther in between. 

There remains no accusing voice...we do it to ourselves...or is it just me? 

Oh yeah, when I went back to the technology challenges with a fresh perspective and positive mindset, I figured them out...quickly. 

Still learning, 
