Growth Thrives in Conducive Environments

Jun 15, 2021

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment you first find yourself in."

-Mark Caine

We know there are some things that we cannot change. I used to be frustrated with the fact that I was short. I couldn’t get into the scary rides at carnivals when I was younger. I certainly couldn’t get into some of the movies that I wanted to see because I was so little for so long.  AND most of the time I was the last one to be chosen on a team in grade school at recess because I was so tiny. 

My mom gave me a great attitude change about that, though.  She used to always tell me that good things came in packages...powerful things like TNT and nitro-glycerin. I came to believe that was true. 

What can be changed in order for us to grow and thrive is our environment. John C. Maxwell says in his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, growth thrives in conducive surroundings. If we are not in a good environment, we have some choices; we can change the current environment we're in, we can change ourselves, or we can leave the environment.

Personal growth doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Both the place that we’re located and the people with whom we are associated influence our attitude.  At different stages of life, different surroundings are suitable to our development and we must put ourselves in a position to thrive. If we are working from home, we need to get creative! Growth environments depend on us. We can’t depend on someone else to do it.
John listed what a growth environment might be like:

1. Others are ahead of me.  There are others that are further down the journey of growth than we are and we can learn from them. Nobody grows alone.

2. I am continually challenged. A boring job is not going to make us want to grow.

3. My focus is forward. We need to remember that the past ended yesterday and that we get to make today better.

4. The atmosphere is affirming. When positive encouraging attitudes are modeled for us, it gives us the strength to stretch and attempt more.

5. I am often out of my comfort zone. Nothing grows inside our comfort zone. Being outside of it is exhilarating. (Okay, most of the time.:)

6. I wake up excited. Our environment and vocation are generally enjoyable so it is a joy to go to work.

7. Failure is my friend. Failure is a growth opportunity, so we need not fear it. A growth environment gives us permission to make mistakes, admit them and learn from them.

8. Others are growing.  It is exciting to be in an environment where others are thriving and reaching for their full potential.

9. People desire change. (I'm not sure I totally agree with this one:)  In a growth environment change is not resisted, it is embraced and celebrated. (Eventually...hmmmm...I may need some growth here.)

10. Growth is modeled and expected. This is my favorite part about being a leader, because "people do what people see."  If I am willing to grow, admit and learn from my mistakes, those I lead absorb those same characteristics. It is my responsibility to create a positive growth environment for others.

Let's check our environment against that list. Maxwell says that if we answer false to five or more of those statements, our current environment may be hampering our growth.  If so, we need to choose whether we change or improve our environment to reach our potential. 



Jan McDonald 
The John Maxwell Team

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