Is It Time For A Life Audit?

May 10, 2021

"Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now."

--Regina Brett

In college, we can audit a course. We pay less money for the advantage to sit in on the course,  and we aren't required to do the homework. We get to listen and learn what we desire, but we don't get any credit for the course.  When we audit a class, we don't have to worry about failing, either.  I wonder how many people simply live their lives like auditing a college class?  We get these great ideas, have dreams and goals and fail to take action. We don't follow through and get to see the great results of our fullest potential.  Or we get swayed off course by other's opinions or by circumstances in life. 

I did that for awhile...I graduated from college with the desire to be a teacher. I got sidetracked and ended up in the restaurant business--that was such good, easy money! I knew there was something missing--there had to be more than cocktailing, but I got comfortable and it was fun. I was good at it and couldn't fail.  I was living life by default rather than by design.  

Later on in life (and I'll spare you all the details,) I stopped meandering through life, took a deep and earnest look at the direction I was going. and began to listen to my heart. That caused me to do a life audit.  I knew I needed to make some changes.  Those changes eventually led me to where I am now--which is living a life that I am designing and it's a life that brings me much joy!

Simply put, a life audit is when you take a long, detailed, and honest look at various areas in your life to assess which are and aren’t helping you live to your highest potential. We just take stock of anything that is taking up time, space, mental and physical energy in our lives. When carried out correctly, honestly, and steadily, life audits can be incredibly empowering and inspiring.  

Many of my coaching clients have noticed improvements in their life beyond the areas on which they focused their attention in their life audit. For example, by making positive changes in their diet,  wortheir work-life improved. Making a change in their relationship also  improved their
environment- it can be quite powerful!

Are you passively accepting what is showing up in your life?  It’s all too easy to forget that YOU are the one that’s truly in charge and that if you don’t like something you have the power to change it. 

This Saturday, May 15, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time, I am facilitating a webinar that will lead you through a life audit. If your life is not progressing the way you would like, or if you feel like something more might be missing, I hope you'll join me, I'd love to be your guide.

Register here:

Designing my life, 


Jan McDonald 
The John Maxwell Team

I'm on facebook @janmariemcdonald

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