Life Stance--we all have one
Aug 19, 2024"The choice you make, makes you."
--Coach John Woodin
I was privileged to attend the Live2Lead live event virtually this week! It is jam packed with information to help us grow. John spent some time talking about the abundance mentality. This would be a looooonnnng email if I shared all my notes on his talk, so here's a standout moment of it.
When we have the abundance mindset, John said that we can believe that life happens for (in favor of) us. It depends on the Life Stance that we have. A Life Stance is comprised of our daily attitudes, assumptions, expectations and what we believe about ourselves.
Life is filled with good and bad-- AND both good and bad will find us. If we view life with a positive Life Stance, the good and the bad will get better. How we view good or bad is our choice and will impact our results. If we have a negative Life Stance, the bad will be worse.
Managing bad experiences is linked to our Life Stance. Maintaining a positive life stance; being optimistic, cheerful, trusting and brave helps us to thrive through our bad times and turn them into a positive growth.
I think we may already know the above, but here's a quote from John for you to ponder, "Procrastination is because we don't believe something good will come from our actions."
Wow! I never looked at procrastination like that, did you? Looking at what we're procrastinating with a positive Life Stance helps us move forward! I hope this helps you like it did me.
If you would like to attend Live2Lead Tri-Cities on October 4th, early bird prices end August 31. Click here to register: https://www.jan-
Thinking positively,
Jan McDonald
Maxwell Leadership Certified Team