
Nov 08, 2021

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. "

--Winston Churchill

Magnanimity is a fancy word for generosity.  I thought that might get your attention:) Generosity is the selfless act of giving with no expectation of anything in return. The beauty of being a generous person is that even though intentions are to receive nothing in return, the giver receives tenfold.

 How can that be?

Giving makes us feel good and there is a physical reason linked to this. In a 2006 study, the National Institutes of Health found that when people give to charities, it activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust, creating a "warm glow" effect. Scientists also believe that this unselfish behavior releases endorphins, the "feel good" chemicals, in the brain.  

The universal Law of Giving and Receiving acknowledges that the way to expand anything that we want is to give it to others. I first learned about this when I got sober.  There is a principal in AA that says if we want to stay sober, we need to help others stay sober. It's giving our sober experience, strength and hope to others so we get to keep our sobriety.  THAT was a huge gift to me...and if you ask my family, they will tell you that they, too, received 1000 fold. 

It reminds me of the Leadership Law of Magnetism. We don't get who we want, we get who we are.  A couple of years ago, everyone in my life was impatient.  Everyone in my life wanted things yesterday. What was this all about? I had a flat forehead moment when I looked in the mirror. I was also impatient at that time in my life and that's what and who I was attracting to me. 

How does this law of generosity work? If we want peace and joy, we give peace and joy away. If we want to expand our life financially,  we share our wealth with others.  If we want happiness, we help others be happy.  If we want to receive get the idea (still working on that:)

Generosity is listed in John Maxwell's book, "The 21 Indispensable Traits of a Leader."  He gives three ways to develop generosity; 

1. Give something that you truly value to someone who needs it. If possible, do it anonymously.
2. If you know someone who is doing something great and making a difference, give them resources. Put your money to work on something that will outlive you.
3.  Mentor someone. Once you reach a certain level in life, it's time to give back to those who want to grow into their own unique potential.

I would like to add a number four.  Do simple things. You can be generous with a good attitude, or a smile to those who cross your path daily. You can let that person with one item go in front of your full cart at the grocery store check out. Give your expertise to someone who could benefit from it. 

Go ahead, make your world a better place through your magnanimity. Get yourself that "warm glow" effect! I challenge you to show your greatness and generosity to others today!  Let me know how you do that--I'd love to hear it. 



Jan McDonald 
The John Maxwell Team 

Follow me on facebook @janmariemcdonald

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