Personal Wellness or Self-Care

personal wellness self-care self-compassion Aug 16, 2023

“Self-care is how you take your power back."

--Lalah Delia

The topic of personal wellness (the unfluffy way of saying self-care) has come up again recently...and often. It was a requested topic for my latest keynote. My recent coaching clients struggle with taking time to rejuvenate.  We can't always store up our self-care for vacations--it needs to be more often than that. 

Self-care defined—the active process of making your mind and body a pleasant place to inhabit, by filling your own cup first. This ensures that you have enough to give to others.

If we lead or manage people, we spend all day serving others. Many small business owners and entrepreneurs are striving to keep their businesses running and profitable, as well.  This doesn't include the children that need nurture and the families that need us. 

My question to you is--when do you care for you?  What is your self-care strategy?  When do you refuel and pour back into you?

How can we give others our best selves when our best selves have already been given out? 

You can't give what you don't have. 

We all remember what the airline stewardess tells us to do in case of emergency. If the oxygen masks come down, we need to put the mask on ourselves first.

We need to fill our energy tanks first. Operating from an energy deficiency isn't healthy and may lead to anxiety, depression, hopelessness and fatigue. 

How can we refuel and refresh ourselves? Here are some ideas for self-care:

  • Take a walk--just get out into nature.

  • Take a bubble bath (yes, guys can do this, too.)

  • Talk with a friend.

  • Go on a weekend retreat.

  • What brings you joy? Do that.

  • Practice gratitude

I am sure that you can think of other ways that would reinvigorate and fortify you. Personally, my daily, morning quiet time refreshes me, but sometimes, it's just not enough.   

Right now. Stop. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Relax and think of things/people for whom you are grateful.  Stay there for a couple minutes. Doesn't that feel good? 

Now  grab your calendar and start scheduling time to pour back into you. Start small--maybe with 5 minutes. Work up to whatever it takes to refuel and give power back to your best self. You deserve it.

Feeling better already,