Rake In Your Harvest

Oct 04, 2021

" So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit."


--Paul, the Apostle

I love this time of year! It's still warm and sunny, but usually not above eighty degrees. The nights and mornings are crisp.  We even had some rain! The leaves are beginning to turn into brilliant colors. The sunrises on Badger have been stunning.  AND it's pumpkin spice latte time! 

My yard is loving this weather, too. The extreme heat this year really fried some of my bushes. I'm hoping that this winter, they'll get a reboot, and come back healthy.  I can't imagine what the farmers went through this year. The high temperatures stunted the growth of many crops. I read that the wheat and the potatoes really suffered this year. The heat caused issues for cherry farmers, too, such as sunburn and stunted growth. That made the cherries unsuitable for the fresh cherry market so many of them were picked for processing. 

I wouldn't want to be a farmer. There's just too much insecurity and risk for me. I am impatient, too. It would be tough for me to wait for the perfect time to harvest.  But, wait a minute...isn't every calling and vocation somewhat like being a farmer? 

No matter what we do with our lives, there's always sowing before a harvest. A salesman plants seeds for those who want their product; a non-profit plants a vision; a construction worker lays foundations on which to build; leaders plant seeds to grow their followers. It's our responsibility to sow good seeds so we can reap a harvest.  We have to plant seeds of love and care into our relationships to reap close relationships.

Sometimes the weather is kind. Sometimes there are storms, extreme heat, high winds and even crop failure. Businesses may fail, success may come too slowly, and relationships may disintegrate. Quite risky...like farming...with many events that are out of our control.  My friend and mentor, Paul Martinelli, says, "Harvest the good from your mistakes and fractured relationships and move on."  We can learn our lessons, hopefully, and always replant better seeds. Then we need to be patient and not give up. With care, water and nourishment, there will be another harvest. 

Enjoying my harvest,


Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team

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