Relearning Lessons From 2019

Nov 30, 2021

“The most valuable lessons aren't learned they are experienced."

I wrote this at the end of 2019.  The subtitle of that email blast was "2020 is going to be awesome!"  Hahaha! But I thought the lessons I learned in 2019 apply now because there are more unknowns than ever. I hope these lessons serve you again--they are great reminders for me. 
                                                                   "Life's difficulties are not meant to impede our progress, but to increase our speed." 

I have no idea where I read this but I believe it's true.  I learned this lesson big-time during the sale of our old home and the buying of our new home.  It wasn't going the way I assumed it would go. But then, does anything in life go the way that we plan it? Our home had sold, with a closing date of August 30th.  It was August 6th, we had looked at 45 homes and hadn't found one we loved. 

I was strategizing what we would do if we didn't find a home mentally like a horse in a corral, consumed by planning that which I couldn't control. Slogging through quicksand is what my life began to feel like.  And my attitude showed that.

I was learning the content of the chapter on The Effect of Thought on Circumstance for "As A Man Thinketh," and the light went on. (funny, I just read that chapter about 3 nights ago 11/23/2021.)  I was not choosing my thoughts well. I was
 grasping at things that weren't mine to grasp. I was irritated as all get out when I couldn't wrap my grubby hands around those things.  Of course, I couldn't grasp those things--they were still in the future!  We still had a week to find a home...I needed to change my thinking about my circumstance and just let go.  After all, that's what I teach...our thoughts produce our behavior and my current behavior wasn't fun at all.

At that moment, I put the book down and consciously surrendered the home I didn't have yet. I sat there with open hands as a gesture to seal the deal. Immediately, I felt lighter...better...and almost joyous. 

And the next day, we found, placed an offer, and bought the home we're living in now.

Yes, that's exactly how it happened. I wrote about it in my journal. Hmmm...I was creating my own difficult circumstance by my thoughts and perception. I was dragging around a backpack full of worry, doubt and "what-ifs."  How could I travel lightly and fast with that heaviness on my back...and in my mind?

Every time we let loose of a negatively  programmed thought, belief or habit that holds us back, we can progress faster to the next level of growth.  New opportunities come our way because we are ready for them. AND better yet, we can help others move past that which held us back because we have been there and have overcome. We may be able to prevent others from trudging slowly down that same path!

What's holding you back? What slows you down? Take the time to identify and surrender it...if not for you, for others.

May you travel lighter and faster in 2022.

Surrendering my unknowns...again,


Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team

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