What Are You Stuck On?

Dec 26, 2023

“Attachment is the source of all suffering."


Attachment is a feeling that binds one to a person, thing, cause, ideal, or the like. It is the state of being attached. Many of us have new goals for 2024 and we're excited about them! If we are going to achieve those goals, we're going to have to make some changes. If we think the way we always have, we'll always get what we've already gotten. 

Some of those changes may not be obvious, so we're going to have to do some reflecting and deep digging to find out what needs to be changed...or what needs to be let go of. What are we attached to?  We have all sorts of commitments, ideals and beliefs to live the life that we are currently living. If we want to change our current results, significant change is necessary.  "That's just the way I am" is not going to get improved results.


"We don't attach to people or things, we attach to uninvestigated concepts that we believe to be true at the moment."  Katie Byron


Since weight loss is the number one New Year's Resolution, let me use that as an example. If we are going to lose weight, we're going to have to change the way we shop, cook, the way we eat, and what we eat. We may want to add exercise to make it easier.  

Attachments are sneaky, too, and I still struggle. Even today, when I went grocery shopping, old attachments and accompanying thinking surfaced. "It's New Year's weekend, I can have Luau Potato Chips, ice cream and maybe even Life Saver Gummies--then start all over with a healthy diet on Monday!"  Wait, what? Where did that come from?  


If we want to enhance our marriages, discover new and better relationships, have richer communications with our kids, make more money, or whatever it is we desire, we will have to be open to new and improved ways of thinking and relating. If we are attached to our old ways, we we won't be able to see the new opportunities or mindset shifts that can be ours.

AND we don't stay the same, we move forward into growth or backward into sameness and/or safety.  As my friend and mentor, Paul, says, "Nothing in the universe stays the same--it either grows or disintegrates." 


So how do we unattach? Here's what I have done (and am still doing):

1. Identify what you are holding onto that isn't serving you anymore. What is not working in your life?  What is your perception of what is holding you back?  It's usually something that follows the word "because."  I can't do this, because.... This won't work, because...  That will never happen, because...Listen for those sentences. 


2.  Lighten up. I can tell you one thing that needs to be dumped and that is your past. Harvest the good from your past and let go of the rest. Let go of old mindsets, self-created illusions and assumptions that no longer serve you.  Leave old resentments, judgments  and being offended behind--they weigh more than you imagine. (That will be your first 10 pounds of weight loss. You're welcome:) 


3. "Stop grasping at the things that are Mine."  Yeah, God told me that a couple of years ago and I'm still trying to get it. Open your grasp and let go of things that you can't control.  Let go of the way you've always done everything and be open to change. Get adventurous! Venture out of your comfort zone.  

When was the last time you tried something new?  You  have choices. You  can choose to change and infinitely enhance your life. You can live a life  of joy and adventure, or you can step back into "That's just the way I am."  And 2024 will be here before you know it, and everything will be the same as 2023... or even 2022 if we don't let go of old attachments.

Does this email sound tough and mean?  I wouldn't be writing about this if I didn't have personal attachments to deal with. Just when I think I have arrived, Attachment #257 rears its ugly head.  

AND I know you. Your potential is limitless and you wouldn't be on this email list if you didn't want something more. I believe in you. You have so much more value than you are giving yourself credit for. The world needs all of your gifts and talents...badly.  Not only that, but you deserve to live the freedom that living without attachments will bring you.