When I Got Done Whining....

decision goals growth opportunities leadership personal development quarantine whining Aug 14, 2020

"I made the decision to make the absolute best of the quarantine...instead of staying in limbo, I chose to move forward."

--Jan McDonald

When I got done with my temper tantrum because of COVID, I decided to make the best of it. Granted, my tantrum took about two weeks to process because I don't do well when things are out of my control.  I decided to achieve a goal that I had back-burnered and then to pull out some older classes and refresh myself on the teachings. 

I reached the goal of finishing the biblical teachings for a class on my book, "Fruitful Leadership; Leading By The Fruit of the Spirit." (If biblical study isn't for you, scroll down to As A Man Thinketh.) I created a six week class, Chosen, and ran the beta test in June/July.  This class is all about learning that we are chosen by God before the foundation of the universe, and He has a purpose for each one of us. Since our specific purpose always involves relationships, manifesting the fruit of The Spirit makes all of our relationships and our lives better.

I can't think of better characteristics to model for others than love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness and self-control.

The results? Here is what Ruth said, "I never knew that I had the ability to take every thought captive and you gave me strategies to do that so I can change my results by changing my thinking."

Here is what Lavonne said, "The Chosen classed transformed me. It touched my heart and soul. The class showed me what God has been trying to show me for years. I was able to see how God really feels about me. God showed me how to get beyond my past mistakes. I am so looking forward to this new path I will be walking with God and the freedom I now feel. Thank you Jan for being Gods messenger to me."

Cassie learned a lot, too, "I knew the fruits of the spirit, and honestly I thought that I had them down pretty well. But through the course of the study I realized that there was more to each fruit and I had been missing the depth! I had a huge blind spot that was revealed, and in that place the Lord has been able to do some healing through Jan‘s words and advice, and this course. I was sad to finish the study, and I think I could take it many more times and get something new out of it each time!"   

Join us (yes, there are already people registered!) in this next  six-week Chosen Zoom workshop which starts Thursday, August 27th at 1:00 pm. Details are here: 


The quarantine pushed me back into one book that helped me change my thinking so I could get sober years ago. AND this last March, some of my thinking needed to be changed. "As A Man Thinketh" teaches us to be able to successfully direct our thoughts, which drive our actions, which drive our behaviors, which drive our results.

In other words;β€―the way we think drives our LIVES. I know you're someone that appreciates just how critical this is.

I can't impress upon you enough how important learning how to THINK differently has been for me. The book, "As A Man Thinketh" has been absolutely essential in my personal and business development (...and don't even get me started on how often it's dismissed as a business tool!).  Need some change? This class will help you "take the helm of thought" and move you toward better results in your life. 

Join us in this As A Man Thinketh Zoom workshop which starts Wednesday, August 26th, for six weeks at 6:30 pm. More details are here:


That's what I've been up to since I stopped whining. What have you been up to? These are some challenging times. Either of these two classes would be life-changing for you. AND you would be part of a community of people that are uplifting and motivating--totally needed for such a time as this.

Hope to see you in one...or both of these!

Excitedly typed, 


Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team

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