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Your Path to Breakthroughs: Insights from Jan McDonald

From hopeless drunk to 30 years sober and helping hundreds of individuals and organizations unlock their 'and then some', I distill all the lessons gained from those transformational life experiences and share them with you in this space.

I invite you to explore these insights as way to help you breakthrough the challenges that are stopping you from becoming who you want to be.

The Law of Vibration--What are you sending out? Feb 22, 2021

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

   --Nikola Tesla
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How About A Rewrite Feb 16, 2021

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

   --C.S. Lewis

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What Is Your Personal Mission? Feb 08, 2021

"Outstanding people have one thing in common:  An absolute sense of mission.”

                                                                                                                                   --Zig Ziglar


This is an email that I...

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Win Your Inner Game Feb 01, 2021

"Harmony between the two selves exists when Self 1 is quiet and focused. Only then can peak performance be reached.”


--Tim Gallwey, "The Inner Game of Tennis"


I recently grabbed and reread "The Inner Game of Tennis," by Timothy Gallwey. I'm n...

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Steps To Rock Your 2021 Jan 25, 2021

"Your thoughts shape your vision. You see what you choose to see."

---I don't know who wrote this, so I'll claim it:)

The last couple weeks of the year is the time that I set goals for the new year. I do love this time, though. My reflection tim...
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Self-sabotage: watch for it! Jan 18, 2021


" Make sure your worst enemy is not living between your own two ears."


Tonight starts "Breakthrough to Your Best You, the Sequel."  This is a class that I'm teaching again by popular demand.  One of the modules is on Self-Sabotage a...

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Abundance or Scarcity Mentality--how do you think? Jan 11, 2021

“Abundance is not something I acquire, it's something I tune into."

--Wayne Dyer


My favorite leadership law is the Law of Magnetism.  Who I am is who I attract. Thoughts are things, and they attract to me what I think about. When I worked for a ...

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How High Is Your Leadership Lid? Jan 04, 2021

"Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness." 

--John Maxwell

 Spring of 2014 proved to be a brutal season for me as the CEO of Life Options. We launched our mobile center, which is not like launching a “brick and mortar” pregn...

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The Power of the Pause Dec 28, 2020
The Power of the Pause.

The leadership Law of Reflection teaches us that learning to pause allows growth to catch up with us. This morning in my reflection time, I continued to think about what I learned from this last year.  I finished reading throug...
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Blessed Are The Flexible Dec 21, 2020

"You cannot be the same, think the same, and act the same if you hope to be successful in a world that does not remain the same.” 

--Malcolm Gladwell


I facilitated a networking group by Zoom this morning for the first time since April. In April,...

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Holiday Coping Tips With Humor Dec 15, 2020

"When I find myself in the cellar of affliction, I always look about for the wine.” 

--Samuel Rutherford


You all know I had an emotional meltdown the first month of the quarantine way back in April.  I grabbed my hiking my hiking boots and hiked...

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Are You Ready? Dec 07, 2020

"When opportunity knocks, it's too late to prepare."

--John Wooden


This time of the year, the squirrels get incredibly busy in my yard. They are feverishly burying nuts to prepare for the winter.  Dennis put out peanuts and we have many oak tree...

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Hope Doesn't Disappoint Dec 01, 2020

"The future depends on what we do in the present."

--Mahatma Gandhi


I'm not sure where I'm going with this email. I'm feeling kind of numb. I want everything to be back to normal so badly. I have two friends who have lost husbands during this di...

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Happy Thanksgiving! Get a gratitude attitude! Nov 23, 2020

"Gratitude is the healthiest of all human behaviors. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for."

—Zig Ziglar

I know, this is a difficult time to be grateful...or is it just me...
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Emotions Are Energy Nov 16, 2020

"No matter the feelings, you can transform the energy of your emotions into your power."

--Matthew Donnelly


Last week, I wrote about  overcoming negative emotions  After that email went out, I realize...

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How To Overcome Negative Emotions Nov 09, 2020

"Emotions are neither good nor bad, it's our thinking that makes them so."

--My humble opinion


The second week of the quarantine was an emotional week for me. Everything angered me. To make a long story short, a conversation with my coach brough...

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